All in Recipes

Gazpacho - Aussie style.

I know this isn't brilliant for anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere at the moment, but I just had to share this delicious cold soup/smoothie recipe with you because of the amazing veg available here in Byron Bay.... all grown locally, from the Farmer's Market, all organic and just a joy to use for gazpacho, especially as I am doing a detox at the moment. (Blog on that coming soon.) And just look at the shape of this cucumber - the EU wouldn't allow one of those to be sold in the UK!

Cheats smoothie!

Are you time short at the moment?  I certainly am!  The run up to Christmas, whether you are going away or staying at home, is just manic isn't it?  It's also very cold in the UK at the moment so the thought of juicing green veg is just not making my body feel happy, let alone the time it takes. So, I have been doing a very lazy, quick version of my usual health packed smoothie which I hope will help you too get through the busy period, and beyond, with all the nutrients your body needs to fight exhaustion and stress. And it takes no time at all.

Update on Suzi's Smoothie for fast days.

Here's a quick update on my last video & blog on how to make my daily health smoothie.  This is a great replacement for meals on fast days, if you're following the 5:2 diet, and will keep you going for hours. And it is full of huge health benefits.  If you're an intermittent faster, or want to be, I do it the easy way: a light meal the night before by 7.00 pm latest, the smoothie as late as possible the next morning (around 11.00 a.m.) a very light low calorie snack, such as a banana or boiled egg, at tea time and then a light meal, such as loads of veg and a small portion of protein, in the evening at 7.00 pm.  That's 500 calories in 24 hours and you've done a 16 hour pure fast without even trying. Two days a week, too easy!