A healthy summer salad that takes 2 minutes!
If you already eat quinoa, here's the quickest recipe in the world for you if you have any cooked leftovers. (Don't forget to keep it in the fridge after it's cooled.) And for those who haven't tried it before, I've added a summary below as to why this gluten free grain is so good for you.
Quinoa, gluten free and great for vegans and vegetarians
1 cup of cooked quinoa - black, red, any colour you like!
200 g of cubed feta or sheep cheese (more digestible for lactose intolerant folk)
2-3 chopped fresh tomatoes
A handful of black olives
A handful of raw spinach
I added a pretty nasturtium picked straight from the garden
Add anything else you fancy adding such as avocado to turn it into a main
A splash of olive oil & apple cider vinegar or balsamic
That's it.......couldn't be quicker, couldn't be easier and couldn't be healthier! A great starter or main to eat in the garden or take on a picnic. (I was going to edit the black dot below out of the photo but thought I would leave it in amuse you - it was an ant rushing to see me!)
Quinoa salad, ready for a bbq or a picnic.
Quinoa is the traditional native plant from the Andes, dating back to the time of the Incas. It has been hailed as the “mother grain” because of it’s importance in the daily diet. Nutritionally, compared to rice, it's higher in protein, rich in calcium and magnesium and generous in its iron levels. Quinoa contains all the essential amino acids making it a complete protein so perfect for vegans and vegetarians.
It's gluten free
A complete organic, vegetable protein containing all 9 of the essential amino acids
Contains more calcium than milk
Rich in magnesium - so important for women over 40
A good source of iron, and vitamins B and E
Cholesterol free
And low on the glycaemic index, so a perfect slow-releasing carb
Quinoa salad with feta, olives, tomatoes spinach & a nasturtium.
As ever, I would love your comments about quinoa and do let me know if you give this quickie a go. More of my recipes can be found here and my very favourite, summer sald, along with some others, can be found on Gransnet, click here.
See you soon,