A brunch recipe bursting with health.......
Healthy, quick brunch. Photography by Sara DELANEY, NOTES FROM A STYLIST
I love trying out new recipes, especially ones brimming with health, so to spend the day with a fabulous photographer whilst cooking an untried dish from my favourite chef, and eating it, doesn't get much better than that! Add the mix of doing this in a stylist's home and it's quite the perfect day for a nosey blogger.
You may remember my blogger friend Sara Delaney, Notes from a Stylist, from a shoot we did together on Vintage shopping in Brighton. We had such a good day that we've got well into fab blog collaborations ever since. She does the amazing photography and I just shop, eat or cook! So when she came up with the idea of doing a series of healthy recipes especially for menopausal women, and beyond, I jumped at the chance 'cause we always have such fun.
Plus I got to cook recipes from my current favourite recipe book, Jamie Oliver's 5 Ingredients - Quick & Easy Food. Apart from the four below taken on my i-phone X, all photography is by the talented Ms. Delaney.
I love Sara's kitchen 'cause it's full of vintage props and, of course, she's a stylist, so it was just the perfect place to get cooking.
INGREDIENTS: Serves 2, just double for 4
1-2 fresh chillies, finely chopped, de-seed if you don't like hot
4 large eggs - if you're vegan or veggie, just double the beans or add tofu sausages
1 x 400g tin of black beans, keep half the juice
1 ripe avocado, sliced
1 fresh lime
Before the How To.....which is dead easy......a quick look at why these ingredients are so good for our hormones and our health......
The capsaicin in fresh chillis can help lower blood sugar levels, improve heart health, boost circulation, and protect against strokes. I don't like hot though so always take the seeds out!
As a Nutritionist, I've always quoted the 50's & 60's "go to work on an egg" advertising campaign, before all the bad press. Eggs are back in fashion now 'cause they're a complete protein so really important for kick-starting your body in the morning. they do NOT raise cholesterol unless fried in masses of oil or butter. they're are high in all nutrients, including anti-oxidants for healthy eyes. Just make sure to buy organic and free range.
Black beans: beans, peas and lentils contain compounds that can help your body produce natural progesterone as well as being high in fibre for stable blood sugar levels and healthy bowels. Vegans & veggies can double the beans for this recipe and/or maybe add tofu sausages?
Avocado is the only fruit that contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, or good faT!. Good fat is essential for a healthy menopause, and at any age, for the health of every cell in your body. Avocados are NOT fattening 'cause the body doesn’t store healthy fats, only rubbish fats, such as saturated fats and sugary, FATTY carbs.
Lime juice is a fabulous source of Vitamin C so good for immunity, skin and general health.
HOW TO - easy peasy, lemon (or should I say lime) squeezy!
Finely slice the chilies then sprinkle half of them into a non-stick frying pan on a medium heat with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
Once they start to sizzle, evenly crack in the eggs, then spoon the black beans in and around the eggs and pop half of the can juice to add liquid
Season with sea salt and black pepper, cover and cook the eggs to how you like them.
Once it's cooked, take off the heat and add the slices of avocado making it look pretty.
Squeeze the lime juice all over and add any seasoning to taste.
Arrange the avocado around the pan, scatter over the rest of the chilies, stab the egg yolks, and serve. Voila, what could be easier. What could be tastier for a Sunday brunch, served with toasted sourdough and a big pot of coffee. Enjoy!
If you want to see more of Sara's beautiful photography, go to Notes from a Stylist and follow her on Instagram. You'll find plenty of great style tips for clothes and your home and I love that you can check in with her to see where you can buy something similar that she's styled for an interior. It's like having your very own stylist!
Let me know if you try this brunch and I look forward to hearing how it went down.