All in Recipes

Smoothie for beautiful skin & weight loss

Having bought a Nutribullet I wasn’t convinced that carrots and beetroot would be “juiced” enough.  They were!  Success! My latest breakfast is so quick, easy, tasty and healthy that I am just adding more and more ingredients to it each day!  Am completely in love with my new gadget. I know the “purists” will disapprove but, frankly, I haven’t got the time to stand at a Juicer every morning, feeding small pieces of carrot through a funnel.  Better to get those nutrients down you than not at all is all I can say…

Ratatouille: low cal health on a plate.

My favourite supper for a 5:2 intermittent fast day, is ratatouille.  Hot or cold this yummy meal is easy, peasy and will give you well over your quota of five veg a day!  Packed full of vitamins and minerals this quick meal is perfect for the 5:2 diet at only 250 calories. Halve all the ingredients, apart from the oil,  if you want to make it a 125 calorie meal…